Why there is a Hurricane 2.5 ?
(Because even the DJI version can be built as 168gr including the naked GoPro 8 and 1404 motors, allowing batteries up to weight of 81gr until you reach the 250gr limit without compromising from the sturdiness.)
AVAILABLE to purchase at CNC DRONES (Shipping worldwide)
I am Hurcan (hence the name of the frame Hurricane :P) a professional videographer and I have been flying FPV Drones for a while now. The most I loved to use was a modified BetaFPV 95X (version 1). It flew great indoors and around people. However as my flying skills improved, clients wanted to see more acrobatic moves (which BetaFPV 95X is not really good at). So I started searching for quads which are able to do acro moves that still have a small footprint. Even though I found and tested a couple of them it was not satisfactory. So I decided to design a frame that fulfills my own needs. (versatility, agility, long flight time, sturdy, good at medium windy conditions and more importantly, safe)

After a couple of months and intensive testing, here is the final result, Hurricane 2.5. There are two versions which seem very similar to each other but still have some minor differences.
full videos available to inspect at the bottom of the post
What makes Hurricane 2.5 any different than other similar quad frames?
I think the best answer for this question is it's versatility followed by sturdiness and weight.
How versatile is Hurricane 2.5? * Pusher and normal configuration compatible, * 2 x 25.5mm*25.5mm and 2 x 20mm*20mm mounting holes, * 19*19mm camera compatible (on Digital version),
* Antenna mount (both bottom and top plate) is compatible with pigtail if that is a choice, * Naked GoPro can be mounted on top front, top middle and back bottom (in both pusher and normal configuration)
What are the hardware specs of Hurricane 2.5?
2mm carbon fiber all around
Total weight of carbon fiber plates 38gr (digital version) and 37gr (analog version)
Total weight of the quad(digital version) is around 168gr including 1404 motors, 5 blade props, 3d printed parts, AIO FC , de-cased Caddx Polar Vista and naked GoPro8.
Analog version comes around 154gr with Ghost Hybrid and analog camera.
How come it is lighter than other similar quads but still sturdier?
In the first designs I see that I had to put extra standoffs to the corners of the quad where it seems to be most vulnerable to crashes. But it came with the cost of weight. So I decided to use 6x20mm aluminum standoffs at the center of the quad to keep it as sturdy as possible and put nylon standoffs(which handled really well in the crash tests) to the sides.
What about all the carbon fiber out in the open?
Since I am literally one guy trying to design this little flying object and introduce it to the wild, I am not capable of cutting foam or creating the frame in big batches.
So the best option I found for protecting the edges of the carbon fiber is using "moldable foam clay" This foam is generally used by Cosplayers but it seems it is really durable (ultra light silk version) And it adds only 4gr(when fully dried 24 hours later) to the weight when all the important parts are covered with it(available in different colors). At first I thought it looked bad this way but soon I realised that when flying close to people they are more comfortable with it when your quad looks like it is covered with marshmallows :D So I am keeping mine as is. (Also with better work it would look much nicer :) )
I will also include some 3d files at the bottom of the post if anyone is after a more agrassive look while protecting the edge of the carbon plates :) Screws, Nuts, Standoffs (There are lots of them...)
The most basic set of these would be;
18 x 4mm screws (16 for motors 2 for fpv cam)
32 x 6mm screws (for standoffs)
13 x 7mm screws (4 for standoffs with 3d print give, 8 for props, 1 for GoPro mount)
8 x 12mm screws (4 for AIO FC, 4 for naked Vista)
1 x 20mm screw (for naked GoPro mount)
4x 16mm screws (for vista if not decasing the vista)
6 x metal (4 for seperating the AIO from if you need to 2 for gopro mount ) (4x more if not decasing vista unit)
12x plastic (4 for AIO, 4 for seperating vista from carbon 4 for holding vista in place)
4x 5mm plastic (can be 3d printed)
18x 20mm m2 Aluminium
In addition If you want to use dumpeners in your naked vista instead of 4 big screws you will need 4 x 6mm ti screws to combine with these 4 x 5mm m2 vibration dumpeners.

Test Flights:
Digital Frame and 1404 4600kv motors early test
Analog Frame and 1404 3800kv motors early test
And here are some Battery tests: 7min 30sec with 4s 850mah
5min 40sec Fast Flight with 4s 850mah
And here are previous tests
7min 37sec with 4s 850mah
5min 24sec with 4s 600mah
5min 39sec with 3s 750mah
So, I think this is all there is about Hurricane 2.5inch frame.
I hope you enjoy it.
ah, by the way it is avaible to purchase at CNC Drones (they ship all arround the world)
and you can reach me at hurcanemre@hotmail.com for UK orders and I will direct you to Mike.
and you can find the 3d printable files here : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4950999
Happy flying :)